My hyperactive child Wed, 24 Apr 2024 18:46:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 My hyperactive child 32 32 Miffy : La peluche iconique qui enchante petits et grands Sun, 29 Oct 2023 06:06:00 +0000 Read more]]> Miffy, la petite lapine blanche aux oreilles tombantes, est devenue une icône de la littérature pour enfants depuis sa création en 1955 par l’artiste néerlandais Dick Bruna. Cependant, ce personnage est bien plus qu’une simple figure de livre pour enfants. La peluche Miffy a gagné le cœur de générations de tout-petits et d’adultes, devenant une véritable icône de la culture populaire. Dans cet article, nous allons explorer l’histoire de Miffy, la fascination qu’elle exerce sur les petits et les grands, et pourquoi elle reste un choix incontournable en matière de peluches.

Envie de trouver la peluche Miffy parfaite pour votre enfant ? Rendez-vous ici !

Les origines de Miffy

L’histoire de Miffy débute aux Pays-Bas, lorsque Dick Bruna crée ce personnage adoré. Dick Bruna, célèbre auteur-illustrateur néerlandais, avait une passion pour l’art et l’écriture, et il a donné vie à Miffy d’une manière à la fois simple et charmante. Le nom de Miffy en néerlandais, « Nijntje, » est dérivé du mot « konijntje, » qui signifie « petit lapin. » Miffy est apparue pour la première fois dans le livre « Nijntje » en 1955, et depuis lors, elle est devenue une figure emblématique de la littérature pour enfants.

L’appel intemporel de Miffy

La simplicité du design de Miffy est l’une des raisons pour lesquelles elle continue de captiver les esprits jeunes et vieux. Ses oreilles tombantes, ses grands yeux noirs et son corps rond font d’elle un personnage adorable et facilement reconnaissable. Les tout-petits sont immédiatement attirés par sa douceur et sa familiarité, tandis que les adultes se souviennent avec affection de leurs propres expériences de lecture des histoires de Miffy. C’est cette combinaison de charme et de nostalgie qui rend Miffy si intemporelle.

La collection de peluches Miffy

L’une des manifestations les plus populaires de l’amour pour Miffy est la collection de peluches Miffy. Ces peluches capturent parfaitement le look et la personnalité de Miffy telle que conçue par Dick Bruna. Disponibles dans différentes tailles, ces peluches sont un choix idéal pour les enfants et les adultes qui veulent apporter un peu de douceur dans leur vie.

Tailles variées

Les peluches Miffy sont disponibles dans différentes tailles, ce qui les rend adaptées à tous les âges. Des petites peluches Miffy, parfaites pour les bébés, aux plus grandes qui peuvent servir de décoration dans une chambre d’enfant ou même dans un salon, il y a une peluche Miffy pour chaque occasion.

Matériaux de qualité

Les peluches Miffy sont fabriquées avec des matériaux de haute qualité, doux au toucher et durables. Elles sont conçues pour résister à des câlins et des jeux répétés, ce qui en fait un choix sûr pour les enfants.

Miffy comme compagnon de jeu

Les peluches Miffy ne sont pas seulement des objets de collection, elles sont aussi des compagnons de jeu parfaits pour les tout-petits. Les enfants aiment câliner, jouer et explorer le monde avec Miffy à leurs côtés. Miffy devient un confident précieux pour les enfants, un ami fidèle qui les accompagne dans leurs aventures imaginaires.

Miffy comme objet de décoration

Miffy ne se limite pas au monde des tout-petits. Les adultes apprécient également la présence de Miffy comme objet de décoration dans leur intérieur. Les peluches Miffy apportent une touche de douceur et de convivialité à n’importe quelle pièce, qu’il s’agisse d’une chambre d’enfant, d’un salon ou même d’un bureau. Sa forme simple et élégante s’intègre harmonieusement dans différents styles de décoration.

La communauté des fans de Miffy

miffy 2

Miffy a une base de fans dévouée qui s’étend bien au-delà des Pays-Bas. Des fans du monde entier se sont rassemblés pour partager leur amour pour ce personnage emblématique. Les réseaux sociaux, les clubs de fans et les événements spéciaux dédiés à Miffy sont autant de façons pour les amateurs de se connecter et de célébrer cette icône.

La magie de la collection Miffy

Les collectionneurs de Miffy ont une passion particulière pour l’art de collectionner ces peluches. Chaque pièce est considérée comme un trésor à chérir. Les collectionneurs recherchent des éditions limitées, des designs spéciaux et des pièces rares pour enrichir leur collection Miffy. Pour eux, c’est bien plus qu’un simple hobby, c’est une passion qui les pousse à explorer et à élargir leur collection.

Miffy dans la littérature

Au fil des décennies, Miffy est apparue dans de nombreux livres, chacun racontant une aventure unique. Les histoires simples et captivantes de Miffy sont conçues pour éduquer et divertir les enfants. Les leçons de vie doucement transmises à travers les aventures de Miffy en font un personnage littéraire précieux.

L’impact culturel de Miffy

Miffy a eu un impact culturel significatif dans le monde de la littérature pour enfants. Son design simple, ses histoires engageantes et son message positif ont contribué à faire d’elle une figure emblématique. L’universalité de l’attrait de Miffy est évidente dans sa popularité mondiale.

La peluche Miffy : Un cadeau de rêve pour les enfants

Les enfants sont le public principal des peluches, et la peluche Miffy s’avère être un cadeau idéal pour les plus jeunes. Pour les parents, grands-parents et amis à la recherche d’un cadeau qui apporte douceur, confort et une touche d’émerveillement aux enfants, la peluche Miffy est un choix incontournable.

  • L’attrait universel de Miffy : Miffy, avec son design simple et son air amical, attire instantanément les enfants. Sa forme distinctive et ses grands yeux expriment une innocence qui séduit les tout-petits, faisant d’elle une compagne de jeu précieuse.
  • Un ami en peluche câlin : Les peluches Miffy sont conçues pour être câlines et douces. Les matériaux de haute qualité garantissent que les enfants peuvent câliner leur peluche Miffy en toute sécurité, lui confiant leurs rêves et leurs secrets.
  • L’apprentissage par le jeu : Les enfants apprennent par le jeu, et Miffy en peluche peut jouer un rôle essentiel dans leur développement. Les parents peuvent utiliser la peluche Miffy pour raconter des histoires, enseigner des leçons de vie et stimuler l’imagination de leurs enfants.
  • Une peluche pour toutes les occasions : La peluche Miffy est un cadeau polyvalent qui convient à toutes les occasions. Que ce soit pour un anniversaire, un cadeau de naissance ou simplement pour montrer de l’affection, elle symbolise l’amour et l’attention.
  • Un symbole de douceur et de sécurité : Miffy en peluche peut devenir un ami rassurant pour les enfants, leur apportant un sentiment de sécurité lorsqu’ils dorment ou lorsqu’ils doivent affronter de nouvelles expériences.
  • Un précieux héritage : Les peluches Miffy peuvent être transmises de génération en génération, devenant ainsi un précieux héritage familial. Elles témoignent de l’amour et de l’affection qui unissent les membres de la famille.
  • Des souvenirs inoubliables : Les enfants tissent des liens forts avec leurs peluches, créant ainsi des souvenirs qui durent toute une vie. La peluche Miffy peut être le témoin de ces moments mémorables.
  • L’éducation à la tendresse : Les peluches enseignent aux enfants des leçons importantes sur la tendresse, l’empathie et la compassion. Ils apprennent à prendre soin de leur peluche Miffy, ce qui se traduit souvent par un amour et un soin similaires envers les autres.


Miffy, la peluche iconique, continue d’enchanter petits et grands par sa douceur intemporelle. Elle représente bien plus qu’une simple peluche ; elle incarne une part précieuse de l’enfance, de la nostalgie et de la douceur. Que vous soyez un parent qui souhaite offrir un ami câlin à votre enfant ou un adulte en quête d’un objet de décoration charmant, Miffy reste un choix incontournable. Cette peluche iconique nous rappelle que parfois, la simplicité est le secret de la magie.

Miffy, sous différentes formes et tailles, continue de faire sourire et d’apporter de la douceur dans nos vies. Son héritage se perpétue grâce à de nouveaux fans qui découvrent la joie de la connaître et de la câliner. En fin de compte, Miffy est bien plus qu’une peluche, c’est une amie fidèle et une icône de la culture pour enfants.

De plus, n’oubliez pas de consulter notre article sur l’intérêt d’avoir une piscine à balles pour les enfants, ainsi que notre guide présentant les différents jouets d’éveil Montessori. Ces ressources vous aideront à enrichir l’univers de vos enfants et à les accompagner dans leur développement.

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Baby carrier : How to choose it ? Sat, 04 Mar 2023 13:59:40 +0000 Read more]]> "The baby carrier is the perfect accessory for carrying a baby easily while having him or her by your side."

Moreover, many parents are fans of this equipment because it is extremely practical to have for everyday life and it contributes at the same time to develop a strong bond with the little one. The latter is in contact with his parents and he will feel more reassured to know they are close to him. As for the parents, they will be able to share a moment of complicity with their little one while having their hands free to go about their various occupations. 

So how do you choose the perfect baby carrier? Here are some tips to help you in your purchase. 

How old is the baby?

baby carrier choose age

In order to choose a baby carrier, you must first take into account your age

For this reason, during the first three months, the baby should be in the fetal position and held against his parents. Therefore, it is preferable to choose a hammock or banana size. With these two models of baby carrier, the little one will feel safe and will be well positioned. After three months, the belly or kangaroo baby carrier option is interesting. Here, the little one is carried in front of his parents and facing them. Moreover, it is good to note that it is essential for him because he cannot yet hold his back and neck. That said, from 9 months onwards, belly and back positions are allowed as the little one is able to sit up by himself. The ideal is to choose an evolving model to be able to change the positions according to the age of the little one. 

An ergonomic baby carrier is also available for toddlers. You will find them right here on this site.

Choose a physiological baby carrier

This model allows the child to be leaning on his buttocks and his back is rounded. He also has his legs spread and his knees raised above his hips. 

Overall, it adopts the posture of the frog and the interest of opting for this type of carrying is that the little one will keep the natural curvature of its spine. Moreover, his back will be perfectly maintained. 

It is not advisable to turn to the front carrying position, because this posture is not physiological and the baby may be disturbed by the lack of eye contact with his parents.

How often do you plan to use the baby carrier?

baby door choose frequency

It is important to focus on this aspect, because the choice of the baby carrier will depend on its use. 

For example, if you plan to use this accessory for short outings or for long walks, practicality will have to be at the rendezvous and for that, it is better to choose a model that is simple and quick to put on. The clip-on or strap-on model will do the job perfectly. However, if your child is able to sit up and is rather restless, it is advisable to choose a baby carrier. This way, the accessory will be positioned on his hip and this will allow you to to calm your little one during travel. Finally, for a long carry, it is recommended to buy an ultra-comfortable model to promote the comfort of the child and yours during several hours. 

Some even have a sun visor and pockets. 

What do we think of the sling?

The sling is another possibility that many parents select to carry their babies. 

Here, it is a large strip of fabric that can be tied and that makes it possible to carry the child on the stomach, on the back or on the side. The sling can be used from birth to about 3 years old. Moreover, its two main assets are ergonomics and comfort. 

Nevertheless, it is less obvious to install, since it is necessary to take the hand to make the knots and to position the small. It is also a birth gift interesting to offer. 

In short...  

As you will have understood, carrying is an important thing to be able to transport your child with more ease of use.  

However, even if its practicality allows you to have your hands free and continue your various activities, it is good to note that babywearing is particularly beneficial for the good development of the child. Moreover, it allows you to create a powerful link with him.  

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5 gift ideas to calm your hyperactive child Fri, 20 Jan 2023 06:22:00 +0000 Read more]]> Are you having trouble channeling your hyperactive child's energy? Have you run out of things to do every day that will keep them calm for even an hour or two? If you're short on inspiration, here are some of the most useful things you can do with your child and what to give them.

A locking board

The lock board available on pages like these is especially useful for young children who already have hyperactivity disorders. This wooden activity board has several advantages over plastic or electronic toys, the first of which is that it is environmentally friendly and made of a healthy, hypoallergenic material for the little ones.

Thanks to its small size, your little ones will travel with it everywhere. They will just have to slip the board in their schoolbag and that's it. This toy tells different stories according to the themes chosen by the brand: car-motorcycle, house with little characters, magic, sports, animals... What is sure, is that there is enough to hold your love's attention for a long time. The apple of your eye will play this Montessori inspired activity board without pressure and won't even notice the time passing.

A USB key

This item is among the best gift options for hyperactive children. Why? Because they can save their video games, audio files, movies, pictures, e-books... in short, anything that can keep them busy. The USB key will also serve them in their studies outside their leisure time.

In fact, there are some specially designed for young people in the shape of a Disney elephant, a lizard, a turtle, a heart, a teddy bear, famous characters such as Harry Potter or Groot... you will find them in an infinite number of models. And who knows, maybe mom and dad will fall in love with these original and playful designs of all colors and order some for themselves.

A gamer mouse pad

The gamer mouse pad is one of the most sought after accessories for parents today. Easy to customize, it is available in many shapes, colors, materials and sizes. This accessory is very useful during your kids' and teens' gaming sessions, especially if you just bought them a great high-end gamer mouse. It still needs a suitable mat where it will slide easily.

The latter optimizes the player's performance in each game. Designed with a special fabric, it is comfortable to use. Brands have no problem personalizing the accessory with the owner's name, a calendar, his photo or even a print of his favorite game characters. Plus, it's always good to have at least two, in case you send one to the wash. Mouse pads are generally easy to maintain.

Wireless headphones

Wireless headphones

As technology gifts are on the rise, many moms and dads are choosing to give a pair of personalized wireless headphones to their hyperactive kids, ages 12 and up.

This allows them to listen to music, especially relaxing to calm themselves in their moments of agitation while they run, travel on public transport or in bed before sleeping without disturbing anyone. This can be melodies, but also movies to watch on their phones or relaxing audio files. The earpods also give the possibility to make a call or a video conference in complete freedom and in the right conditions.

A gamer headset

The time when your toddlers played with Fisher-Price toys is over? Since then, they've grown up and it's all new to you? Compared to the practical, sophisticated or playful gifts, the technological ones are still up to date. Gamer headphones are among the best. This audio device allows you to nuance the sounds during an online or offline game. It is the joy of the gamer looking for a complete immersion in the games.

During these sessions, the device allows your children to communicate with other participants and immerse them totally in this virtual universe where the hours will stop for them as for you. You will enjoy a little quiet time while they get out of there. That said, be careful that they don't spend more than two hours a day in the virtual world, or they may become addicted.

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What is the benefit of the ball pool for children? Sun, 09 Oct 2022 11:34:00 +0000 Read more]]> The ball pool is one of the most important activities for children's development. It promises multiple benefits for children.

The ball pool is an early learning game with many advantages

A game of discovery and experimentation

Inside a ball pool, a child experiment with different types of movement Jumping, throwing balls, diving, floating, etc. With a lot of freedom, he can go in and out whenever he wants. He learns the inside-outside concept which is particularly important for his development. Indeed, this has a direct impact on his physical, emotional and intellectual development. This game helps him to get the ability to coordinate his movements and to become aware of what he can do with his body. He also learns logic and comes to understand that each of his actions has consequences.   

Moreover, this toy of awakening joins the useful to the pleasant. It is both entertaining and develops the child's fine motor skillsas well as its mobility. That is why manufacturers offer different shapes, colors and sizes of balls. Moreover, thanks to the ball pool, your child will learn to :

  • Staying in balance
  • Know and develop your different senses
  • Spend your time in total freedom
  • Playing with other children
  • Floating on the balls

For more information on the ball pool, click here. You will find, among others, advantages and disadvantages of this toy.

ball pool

A secure and evolving play area

The ball pool is reliable in terms of safety, the child can get in and out without the help of an adult. Moreover, it can make different types of movements without risking injury The pool is made of foam, as are the balls. The colored balls can also be made of plastic, but no matter what material they are made of, they pose no risk to your child. Children fall in without any impact and are able to get up quickly. Whether they are diving, jumping or playing tag, the pool is still a safe place to be as long as they are in the same age group. Moreover, it is said to be evolutionary knowing that it is possible toadapt its size to that of the children it accommodates.

Other advantages of the ball pool

The ball pool is suitable for small and big children

The ball pool can accommodate children of all ages as it comes in different sizes. To make the right choice, you need to consider the age and size of your child. The pool should be smaller for toddlers to ensure their safety. The recommended dimensions are 2mx2m up to 6 years old. Below this age, movement is even more limited as is the number of colored balls in the pool. For children over 6 years of age, a slightly larger size of 3mx3m is required. The pool of this size can accommodate up to 10 children.  

For older and bigger children, you will have to opt for a large size of 10mx10m capable of receiving up to 30 children. They are often seen in playgrounds, schools, etc. This type of ball pool is perfectly suitable for teenagers from 15 years old. Besides, ball pools can be classified by the age of the children they can accommodate:

  • Models for children from 12 months to 7 years
  • Models for children from 8 to 14 years old
  • Models for children from 15 to 18 or even 20 years old 
  • Models for all ages and sizes

In addition, the number of ball diapers should be appropriate for the age of the child so that he or she can have fun comfortably. For example, two layers of balls for children between 9 and 18 months versus 3 layers for children 18 months and older. However, each child is different, so it is important to customize the number of balls according to his needs. It is also important to pay attention to the quality of the balls.  

The ball pool to channel your child

A child needs to expend energy and play throughout the day. However, it is important to channel the excess energy to preserve their health and well-being. Moreover, the ball pool allows children to be occupied when it is impossible to go outside despite bad weather or any other reason. It is highly recommended for to calm the child's hyperactivity. The children hyperactiveAs we know, children need to move constantly. If you let them play in a ball pool, they will be able to let off steam safely and without restraint.

The ball pool is also suitable for a child with ADHD or attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity. It can also be used for channeling an unruly child or a infernal child. Whether your child is rambunctious, infernal or hyperactive, the use of the ball pool always helps to calm them down for a few hours.

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How to choose the best evolutionary mat for your child? Sat, 27 Aug 2022 00:59:05 +0000 Read more]]> The evolutionary mat, soft, multicolored and secure, is a real fun friend for your baby. The latter will be able to discover the pleasure of turning on himself, to put the glance on his objects and learning to walk ! You can now enjoy his laughter and the good family memories that come with it.

However, how do you know if your baby is at the right age for power enjoy the games on land ? To learn more about this type of carpet, we suggest you follow us through this article.

The best developmental mats

What is an evolving playmat?

The evolutionary mat has the particularity of giving your baby the chance to to know and discover the world that surrounds itThis type of play allows him to better master his psychomotor skills. This type of play allows him to better master his psychomotor skills.

It is composed of several rooms that can be modulated according to your baby's growth. It thus makes it possible to follow the various stages of its evolution and its principal attitudes (posture on the back, flat on the stomach, etc).

The multi-functional, adjustable arch-shaped mat is designed for older babies between 0 and 36 months. This great play area is a must for all the little ones and their parents.

Thanks to this large carpet, the baby can evolve and go from newborn to dynamic toddler. In fact, the model can be used as an ordinary didactic carpet, and also as a garden for playing (after installation of the partitions) as well as a pool for balls.

With regard to the mat for babiesyou can attach or detach it easily in a few minutes, as it is small and simple enough to fold up for safekeeping during travel.

It is recommended to take precautions, as the flexible rod is made of elastic material.

What are the criteria for choosing a playmat?

There are multiple types of playmats, such as the musical carpetthe evolutionary carpet, the jungle carpet, etc.

However, when you purchase, you must pay attention to some essential criteria which we quote below.

The concept of safety at the carpet level

If the safety of your children is a priority, check before purchasing a play mat that it has the CE logo. This label embodies the manufacturer's commitment to the compliance of the equipment with normy established by the European decree.

A pleasant play mat

During the first six monthsThe infant lies on the mat and then sits up.

Since he spends a lot of time playing and looking at his surroundings, it is essential to that its comfort is guaranteed.

To stimulate your child's senses

The baby's vision, contact and hearing will be able to to be solicited on the mat. The colors of the carpet can be admired by the children.

Therefore, it is up to you to decide whether you prefer bright colors that are much more noticeable to your child, or softer colors that blend perfectly to the decoration of the room.

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Which musical toys to choose to accompany your baby? Sat, 27 Aug 2022 00:58:15 +0000 Read more]]> In the first few months after birth, the baby discover little by little his environment. The development of his senses requires a particular follow-up, in order to offer him a fast and effective awakening.

For this purpose, there are thousands of toys designed for each age group and for each case. To refine hearing and intelligence, several ranges of musical toys are available. We tell you more about them in our article.

At what age should I choose a musical toy?

If early learning toys are designed to accompany the baby in his experiences of discovery of the world around himThe choice of the game to offer him must be made according to his age.

During the first four months, the baby is lacking in strength and is just discovering what's around him, so it's a good idea to choose light, soft toys. These could be light rattles, teethers, stuffed animals, etc.

From four to eight months, the baby will be able to hold the objects and distinguish sounds and colors. Musical rattles and various floor toys are the best way to help your baby gain skill. Babies begin to be interested in pictures and music at this age.

Between eight and twelve months, the baby better develop their hearing abilities. Therefore, it would be necessary to opt for the more developed sound toys and miniature musical instruments.

What are the appropriate musical toys for each age?

From the age of four months, the musical toys doivent accompagner le bébé with a progressive development of the sound and consistency of the toys.

Indeed, the most important thing is to know which toy to choose for each stage of a baby's life. Here is a short and informative summary to help you:

  • between 4 and 8 months: musical rattles, sound boxes;
  • between 8 and 12 months: all kinds of sound objects;
  • Between 12 and 18 months: audio books, small musical instruments and telephone toys;
  • between 18 months and 2 years: musical toys on which he can tap and activate the sounds (xylophone);
  • from 2 to 3 years : various miniature musical instruments.

What is the role of musical toys in baby's development?

Contrary to what you might think, offering musical toys to your baby will not necessarily make him a musician later on. However, it is important to understand that this is of great importance. The musical awakening consists, in principle, in awakening the child to different sounds.

Indeed, when the baby interacts freely with the sounds and music produced by the musical toys, it develops his creativity, as well as its artistic expression.

Whatever his age, it also develops his imagination, especially when he adopts gestures to accompany the sounds.

When the baby's mobility is sufficiently developed to move consciously, the music allows him to discover his body and how to coordinate it. This is reflected in his gestures, especially when he clap your hands and feet.

What are the different types of early learning music toys?

In order to choose the right musical toy for your baby during the first months of his life, it is important to from know what to look for. Indeed, there are several types and ranges of toys designed according to each age.

These include musical rattles, bells, stuffed animals that produce sounds and melodies, musical books, toy cell phones and miniature musical instruments.

For the latter, it is recommended to choose them according to the age of the baby. It could be the flute, the drum, the xylophone, the piano or any other instrument available in miniform.

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What types of early learning toys should I offer my 2 year old? Thu, 25 Aug 2022 00:58:08 +0000 Read more]]> At the age of two, the child already develops some psychomotor and cognitive abilities. A priori, it already starts to exceed the stage of the baby, but remains always small.

In order to help them better develop their skills and to accompany them in their discovery of the world, the choice of toys at that age is essential. In fact, parents must adapt their child's activities and games according to his age.

To find out which toys are suitable for a two-year-old, read on.

Why is it important to adapt games to the age of the child?

From a child psychiatry point of viewThe child evolves with his games, which are therefore the witness of his evolution. Indeed, the same game is often used differently depending on the age of the child. It is a question of of a support that the child himself adapts according to its progression in time.

Let's take the example of a car game, during the first months, the child usually uses it just to drive it. However, from the age of two, he will feel the desire to to make live real adventures to his toy, which he will perceive as a real character.

According to child psychiatrists, the child's psychological development is characterized by by the rise of representative intelligence (or the ability to develop mental images of the objects he wants). It is therefore a matter of the advent of symbolic thinking.

What types of early learning games should I offer my two-year-old?

From the age of two, it is appropriate to opt for a certain type of early learning toy according to the developmental status of her child. These include:

  • drawing games;
  • illustrated books with pictures,
  • puzzles;
  • role-playing, imitation and "pretend" games;
  • games of dînettes ;
  • building sets ;
  • musical early learning toysetc.

Understand the developmental mechanisms of the child to better adapt its games of awakening

First, at this age, the child begins to be interested in drawing. Indeed, a two-year-old child will take more and more pleasure in drawing. In his universe, this consists of representations, by drawing, of objects, situations or characters which he wants to create.

At this age, they will also enjoy anything with pictures, such as picture books. The parent can therefore tell him/her the following stories images or illustrations on the pages of the book. Therefore, the child develops pleasure in puzzle games and all types of games where it is possible toassociate images with others.

The age of two is also the ideal period for symbolic games, i.e. those in which children pretend to play, in which they imagine stories about policemen, firemen, merchants, etc, the dinette games.

Certain types of early learning games will help the child release certain emotions. Indeed, when a child of this age fights with his doll or stuffed animal, it frees him from an unpleasant emotion that happened to him.

Is the age of two ideal for creative play?

As previously explained, the age of two years is a transition period in a child's life.

Thus, he will often feel the need to assert and express his personality. Nothing is more adequate for that that the creative games.

Indeed, creative games such as modeling clay, salt dough, painting or drawing will allow the child to express his personality and to let your imagination run wild.

Parents should therefore think about providing creative materials and games to let their child's artistic talents run free. Moreover, this will also help avoid seeing their child scribble on the walls.

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What are the different Montessori learning toys? Wed, 24 Aug 2022 00:58:20 +0000 Read more]]> The toys of awakening are toys intended for the babies, you can initiate them as of their first months with an aim of arousing their curiosity and to awaken their directions. These toys are easy to handle and safe.

The most common games are Montessori learning games. However, what is the particularity of these toys? That's what we will see in this article.

Montessori Pedagogy

This pedagogy takes its name from the Italian doctor who set it up, Maria Montessori. After multiple research and studies, she developed a technique to to better accompany the children to make them responsible, confident and above all balanced adults.

To do this, Maria Montessori advocates taking into account the personality of children, as well as their life rhythms, but also respecting them as adults.

The Montessori pedagogy adapts to the different phases of child development. The most important is the first six years of life. This is the period when the child's mind is absorbing, hence the importance of the parents' role in accompanying him during this period.

This pedagogy favors the awakening of the child, but also his autonomy, notably thanks to toys of awakening which can be used as of the birthIt is important to create an environment based on material, physical and social elements. It is also important to let the child choose an activity in a list, in order to meet the requirements of the different phases of its development.

The advantage of using the Montessori pedagogy with children

The use of this method offers many advantagesIt helps to develop the child's fine motor skills and coordination, as well as to master language and writing.

Early learning games help children learn to cooperate and help each other, as well as discipline and independence, through activities that they can do using their own abilities.

By doing activities alone, the child acquires a sense of responsibility and gains confidence, especially when treated as a whole person and respected as an adult.

Another advantage of the Montessori pedagogy is that it helps to develop the creative spirit, since artistic activities are an important part of this pedagogy.

There are many other benefits that come from using this method in child rearing, these include:

  • Stimulation of concentration;
  • Critical thinking skills development;
  • A better social integration ;
  • Good adaptability skills.

The Montessori toys of awakening

Early learning toys Montessori are classified in different categories according to their usefulness.

Games used to develop fine motor skills

Some early learning games involve placing specific pieces in their corresponding counter platforms. This helps with development of fine motor skills.

Stacking games

Some stacking games, which are somewhat more complex, encourage the development of essential motor as the action of squeezing, releasing and pulling.

Imitation and symbolic games

Games such as the train or car track, the toolbox and dollhouses are part of this category of games. They help children develop their creativity, but also their ability to resolve conflicts individually or through teamwork.

The musical instruments

The musical instruments promote the development of auditory faculties as well as the creative spirit by composing melodies of his own.

Construction games

This type of game helps to discover the principles of physics and to strengthen spatial vision.

Where to buy toys ?

Toys are one of the hot topics around Christmas time. Indeed, many adults are looking for these objects to offer to the youngest ones during these holidays so appreciated by the children. We have seen the importance of Montessori toys, which have a pedagogical interest for the child. However, these are not the only toys that will fill your child's collection. These toys are expensive, so it is important to find the best place to find the toy that will offer you the pleasure of seeing a child play with what he ordered for the holidays.

For that, you have the possibility of going on the site of the stores U, this site being very interesting because of the broad choice of products available as well as the practised prices. Moreover, this site will be very practical for you because it will avoid you to go to the store: you can have what you order delivered or directly get your order in a drive point. Thanks to this site, finding a toy will no longer be a headache!

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What is the role of early learning toys for a 12-month-old baby? Tue, 23 Aug 2022 00:57:58 +0000 Read more]]> As your children grow, you need to consider the primary importance of toys. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a toy, and the type of toy should be chosen according to baby's growth level.

Of course, a great toy is supposed to be a real discovery and a means of distraction for your toddler, but how do you to choose the right toys ? To learn more, we invite you to continue reading this article.

What toys are suitable for a 12-month-old baby?

Babies like to playThey become mobile, usually starting with rolling over and sitting up, and then walking, hopping, crawling, standing up and holding on. They become mobile, and usually start by rolling over and sitting up, and then start walking, hopping, crawling, standing up and holding themselves up. They can identify the different parts of their bodyThey can be used to find missing animals or to insert and remove items in boxes.

Playing with your toddlers will help them through the different stages of their growth, not to mention the fun times. Here are some toys that are suitable for babies aged 12 months :

  • objects with which he can pretend like dolls, dolls, cars, or puppets;

  • toys to be dropped and removed: plastic containers, large balls, balloons and other nesting toys;

  • Items to be used to make objects such as large soft cubes and wooden cubes;

  • the musical toys for children with which they can use their senses, like music boxes.

Early learning toys contribute to to the growth of children, They are therefore essential for babies who are beginning to explore the world around them.

The time spent on this type of game allows for strengthen language skills and their ability to communicate socially and emotionally. They can also support the development of the baby's physical skills, and are the first step in the development of the formation of cognitive concepts complexessuch as task resolution and object permanence.

Why choose early learning toys for a 12 month old baby?

When you play with your baby, you get to know your baby better, you broaden the scope of your communication and you strengthen the bond between you.

Indeed, sharing early learning toys with your 12-month-old babies to stimulate them. This type of toys offer them several advantages, which we list below.

The proper functioning of the sensory system

The toy promotes the awakening of the five senses of the infant, who learns little by little the colors, the materials, the smells, the dimensions and the morphology of his surroundings.

Mental development

The games of awakening encourage the reflection as well as the capacity to find solutions. For example, when a baby starts making noises with his objects or dropping several colored cubes, he eventually understands that this action leads to a certain result.

Social evolution

For the baby, participating in games with you is a way to from social development process. Indeed, thanks to this presence, your smiles, as well as your gestures and words, he feels more secure and wants to continue his explorations.

Language acquisition

When children play, they develop the ability to speak small words, formulate their own thoughts and to be better heard.

Observe your baby's behaviors and reactions when you play. For example, if you put an object in front of him, but he refuses to touch it or starts crying, this may indicate that he has had enough stimulation until now. He is also entitled to rest periods.

How do I find early learning toys online? 

You wish to buy toys to please your nephew or your child. Know that it is possible to find toys for a two year old child or more on online sites.

To do this, you can turn to websites dedicated to early learning games for young children. 

You can also order an early learning game on the site while doing your usual shopping. For example, by doing your shopping drive on Courses U, add to your cart the game. This way, it will be automatically added to your shopping. When you go to pick up your groceries in the drive-through, you will be able to retrieve the game to give to a young child. That's pretty convenient, don't you think? 

Then, if you are still looking for an easy way to get a play set. Know that it is possible to order on a general e-commerce website. You will find lots of them on the internet and you can have them delivered directly to your home or to a relay point.

Now you know how to easily find an early learning game online.

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Which early learning toy should I choose for my 9 month old baby? Sun, 21 Aug 2022 00:57:54 +0000 Read more]]> A baby is sensitive to the senses from birth. However, manipulation can also help him to better discover and learn. In this case, you can offer your child a toy to accompany his discoveries and explorations.

For a 9 month old babyA play toy can provide him with an emotional level and a harmonious growth. However, it is necessary to offer him toys of awakening adapted and varied at the same time. Early learning toys at 9 months are real activities to meet a baby's need for movement and exploration.

The toys of awakening according to age

The toys of awakening are used to correlate the awakening capacities of a child. Nevertheless, it will be necessary to choose one which is adapted at the age of the latter. This allows us to accompany his discoveries and to meet his needs for exploration.

Awakening toy adapted for a newborn

A baby can be very much in demand from birth. You can opt for words and caresses as toys of awakening of birth.

Soft music from a game or music box will be appreciated by a newborn.

Early learning toy suitable for a 6 month old baby

It is advisable to secure the environment of your six-month-old baby with a pillow when he learns to sit.

For this, it is necessary to propose a six-month-old learning toy in several positions, sitting and lying down.

Early learning toy suitable for a baby between the ages of 6 months and 1 year

For a child whose age is between 6 months and 1 yearyou can offer him:

  • teething rings;
  • small balls;
  • foam books.

In summary, whatever the age of your baby, a learning toy allows to encourage a child's movements and boost its discovery.

What are the toys to choose for your 9 month old baby?

Babies develop needs at each phase of growth. The 9 months awakening games are therefore useful to meet the needs of awakening and stimulation of a child of this age.

Teething toy with balls

It is a 9 months awakening toy that allows a baby to have fun while relieving his gums.

This early learning toy is suitable for a child of 9 months thanks to its ease of use, design and shape.

Stacking tower toy

9-month-old babies can have fun with a set of stacking towers. It allows a 9 month old baby to relax in complete safety and serenity.

Shaped toy

The different shapes are a game of awakening adapted to the children from the age of six months. It is a toy that can entertain children from nine months and up.

Toy guitar lawyer

Soft music allows to awaken several sensations in a 9 month old baby. So, an avocado guitar is a perfect toy to keep them entertained.

The 9 month old toys are available in many shapes and colors to meet the needs of discovery needs of each child.

What is the importance of early learning play at 9 months of age?

The baby may experience a true simulation of the senses from birth. A game of awakening will then contribute considerably to the senses, to the discovery of textures, colors and the environment of a 9 month old baby.

Whether fine or gross motor skills, they develop and evolve through early learning games. The coordination of gestures and the precision are activities that can be stimulated through actions, such as embedding, touching, grabbing, etc.

It is thanks to the games of awakening that a child can carry out these actions. It allows him to use his body and to develop his sense of balance.

Finally, early learning games are very beneficial, especially for a baby's growth and intellectual development. Seeing the blocks, falling, stacking them, and starting over to understand the results, these simple activities allow the child to develop logic and imagination using his gestures.

Les avantages des jouets Montessori adaptés aux bébés d’un an

Alors que votre enfant grandit et franchit le cap des neuf mois, vous remarquez peut-être une soif accrue d’interactions et de défis. Dans ce contexte, les jouets Montessori adaptés aux bébés d’un an représentent une excellente transition. Ces jouets sont spécialement conçus pour encourager l’autonomie et le développement des compétences fines, en harmonie avec la pédagogie Montessori qui favorise l’apprentissage par l’expérience et l’exploration personnelles. En optant pour des jouets qui engagent activement votre enfant dans des tâches pratiques et des découvertes sensorielles, vous soutenez son développement naturel de manière ludique et éducative.

Stimuler la curiosité et l’autonomie chez le jeune enfant

Les jouets Montessori ne se contentent pas d’amuser, ils éduquent. Pensés pour être à la fois simples et stimulants, ils aident les enfants à comprendre et à maîtriser leur environnement. Par exemple, des puzzles simples, des jouets d’empilage et des matériaux texturés incitent les enfants à apprendre par la pratique, renforçant ainsi leur capacité à résoudre des problèmes et à penser de manière indépendante. À mesure que votre enfant se dirige vers son premier anniversaire, ces jouets deviennent des outils précieux pour son éveil intellectuel et sensoriel. Ils lui permettent de découvrir joyeusement le monde à son propre rythme.

Favoriser le développement coordonné par le jeu

À l’approche de sa première année, le développement moteur et cognitif d’un enfant s’accélère. Les jeux Montessori sont parfaitement adaptés pour l’accompagner cette phase cruciale. En offrant des jouets qui exigent manipulation, coordination et réflexion, tels que les blocs de construction modulaires ou les jouets à enficher, vous facilitez le développement de compétences essentielles. Il s’agit de la coordination œil-main et de la reconnaissance des formes et des couleurs. Ces jouets encouragent non seulement l’éveil sensoriel, mais aussi la créativité et l’initiative. Ils préparent ainsi les enfants à des apprentissages futurs et à une exploration autonome de leur environnement.

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What are the different games suitable for awakening a 6-month-old baby? Thu, 18 Aug 2022 00:57:48 +0000 Read more]]> Being a parent is a great responsibilityBut above all, of a great patience and understanding, especially towards his children. However, what you need to know is that this understanding must begin at birth.

In fact, even as a baby, he or she begins to become familiar with the world around him or her, through toys and the communication efforts of his or her parents.

In order to help your children as best as possible, to understand them and to help them understand you, nothing is better than the use of developmental toysand this, from their birth.

What is a learning toy?

An early learning toy represents a toy that helps the child to to awaken to the world around him while captivating him, stimulating his different senses and developing his motor skills. To do this, there are a multitude of toys that do the trick, no matter how old your child is.

Through these games, the baby or young child progresses little by little by learning to listen to new sounds and react to them. The child also learns to use his mobility to touch or hold different things, and to manipulate them as he feels.

Finally, he learns to look at what surrounds himand becomes familiar with the different colors and shapes in the space around him, thus opening his eyes more and more and developing his vision of things.

These games of awakening are most often categorized by age groups, from birth to At the age of 11 or 12.

They are, in fact, distributed as follows:

What are the appropriate learning games for a six-month-old baby?

It is important to know that during the first months of his lifeA baby will have a strong need to communicate with the world around him. Starting to develop his senses will therefore be the mission of his parents at that age.

When a child reaches six months of age, parents are more likely to get the child's attention by playing with him or her, including toys and sensory activities.

Parents are their baby's best playmates, and that's why waving colorful toys that make sounds or reading stories to your baby while making funny faces and noises will go a long way. at development of emotional skills in the child, but also in the development of his psychosocial and physical skills.

A large number of early learning toys are available to help parents à entertain their children. These are as rich in colors, sounds and shapes.

These toys will particularly help to develop baby's eyes and ears, gradually encouraging him to go to the origin of the soundas it grows.

The different toys of awakening for a baby of 6 months

There are different types of toys of awakenings corresponding to all your children's ages.

For those who are six months old, for example, you can easily find colourful and durable fabric playmats. emitting different types of sounds. It is also possible to find musical toys for children such as rattles, music boxes, or sound books.

Finally, we have as objects fun and attractive for the childThese are the most popular toys for children, such as fabric stuffed animals, small balls and sensory cubes, cushions and bath toys.

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Which toys should I choose for my 3-month-old baby? Sun, 14 Aug 2022 00:57:41 +0000 Read more]]> In order to allow your child to grow well, it is important to put him in an environment that allows him to be awake. To do this, there are different exercises and toys, which have been set up by professionals in the field, to develop the different senses of your child, even before that he celebrates his first birthday.

With this in mind, we're going to talk about early learning toys for three-month-old babies in this guide.

The toys of awakening for a child which are usable until his 3 months

Knowing that it is at the age of three months that the child begins to distinguish colors and soundsit will be necessary to opt for awakening toys that are simple and gentle.

Once the three months are up, you will notice that developments will start to show up quickly in your baby. Whether it is his sense of observation, coordination between his hands and eyes, or his dexterity, it is little by little that your little one will discover.

In order not to hurt your three-month-old baby, it is important to choose safe toys, such as stuffed animals, gum relief in the form of animals, fruits, etc. Without forgetting to emphasize reading, which is also an educational tool highly recommended.

By reading short stories to your child, you will stimulate their listening skills and expand their vocabulary, regardless of their age, even at three months.

When you think your child doesn't understand you or isn't listening to you, just start reading and you'll notice that he or she will calm down and be listening to you.

What are the different games and toys for a three-month-old child?

Although there are some people who do not know how to distinguish between games for different ages, it is important to know that in order to allow a child to grow up properly and to be awakeThere are some games and toys for every age.

When it comes to toys, for a three-month-old baby, we advise you not to go overboard and invest in expensive toys.

Besides, even if you do the experiment, you will notice that your baby will not be interested. He will show a total lack of interest, since his senses are not yet developed. That is why the recommended toys for a 3 month old baby are as follows:

  • Rattles;
  • toys that float in water, especially for bathing;
  • teething toys;
  • lint.

Not to mention the musical toys for childrenwhich are recommended to develop your different senses.

As for games, don't hesitate to make them, even when he is still an infant, and to diversify the different materials of the games.

Talk to him, lean towards him, stroke him and show him things with bright colors. Bring the rattle close to his hands so that he can try to catch it and play on his own, as your three-month-old baby will start to make sounds with the rattle. to learn to play alone.

Our tips for choosing the right toys for a 3-month-old baby

While knowing that the babies are generally fragileIf you have a child who is not yet ready to play, you must pay special attention when you choose their toys.

To do this, here are some tips :

  • Always choose safe toys;
  • ask for advice and information before buying;
  • Choose soft materials.

It is recommended that all your baby toys have the mention "CEThis is proof that the toy was manufactured in compliance with European safety standards and requirements. In addition, always remember to check the age of use of the toy, whether it will have to respect each time.

In conclusion, to ensure your baby's development in good conditions, it is important that you know of all educational techniquesincluding all the toys recommended for the child's age group.

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What are the best toys you can give your baby from birth? Thu, 11 Aug 2022 00:57:20 +0000 Read more]]> You may think your child doesn't need toys until he or she is one or two years old. Think again, this is not true ! You can give your baby toys from the first month of life, just choose them carefully.

From the first months, children need toys that help and encourage them to use their senses in order to promote its development. That's why you should choose educational toys.

Discover the best toys you can give to your child, from birth.

Why should you give your newborn a stuffed animal?

The plush accompanies the child from birth to four years of age or older. It is a toy made of cotton.

Of course, you will find stuffed animals of different shapes and colors, including animals such as bears, hearts, stars, and even sometimes Disney characters.

During the first month of the baby's life, you should give him a small, light stuffed animal so that he can handle it easily and sleep with it too.

You will find on the market of activity plush. These are plush toys with little teething games attached, ball rings, etc.

There are also educational stuffed animals that have integrated educational games. These plush toys help babies develop their senses.

The educational plush is characterized by:

  • she plays songs by touching her: this allows the child to use the sense of hearing;

  • it allows the child to learn the numbers from 1 to 10;

  • it allows the child to learn the first letters of the alphabet.

The baby's imaginary book: an essential early-learning toy

The picture book or imagier is a early learning toy very important. It consists of a ring to which are attached canvas images of different colors and shapes. Just like the plush, it is a toy that accompanies the child everywhere. You can attach it to the crib or even the stroller.

In addition, this game allows the child to use his senses. It is composed of images of different colors that allow the child to discover and recognize colors from its first months.

The activity caterpillars and the awakening piano: classics

The activity caterpillar is a fabric caterpillar with cotton inside. The caterpillar's body is usually divided into 5 or 6 parts, each of which has a distinct color and design. The caterpillar also allows the child to do activities and use its different sensesincluding the sense of touch.

On the other hand, the awakening piano is a musical toy made of fabric. It also allows the child to to use all its senses. The piano keys light up when touched, allowing the child to connect the sense of touch and sight.

In addition, the awakening piano plays different types of melodiesincluding animal sounds, children's sounds, etc.

The activities of the mat

The mat is a small square or round mat that is comfortable and thick and on which you can put baby on his stomach or back after putting him on the floor. It usually consists of different colors and shapes, so you can put your child on it and let him have fun and discover the different colors and so use your sense of sight.

The mat is light and very practical, you can take it wherever you want and wash it in the washing machine without risk of damaging it. If you are in a creative mood, you can make your own make a play mat for your child, you will only need fabrics, colors and cotton.

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What is a jungle gym mat and what do parents think? Wed, 10 Aug 2022 00:58:54 +0000 Read more]]> Ensure the good development of her baby and the priority of all parents. In addition to playing with them, talking to them and communicating with them constantly, it is important that they learn to to develop and stimulate their abilities and their meanings.

To do this, several toys are available to the baby, such as the jungle play mat.

What is a jungle gym mat and what do parents think of this accessory? Answer in our article.

The mat and its different models

A mat for baby represents a carpet round or rectangular shapeIt is made of fabric, filled with colors and equipped with a multitude of small toys hanging on the cross arches.

The play mat weighs almost 2 kg and works with batteriesdepending on the model. There are different types of mats, namely :

As for the jungle play mat for example, there are many models on the market. However, if you are still unsure about the age at which you can buy a play matThere is something for every age, from birth to adulthood. At the age of 3 or 4 years.

The baby can, therefore, use this mat in different ways, namely lying on his back for infants, lying on his stomach when he is older, or sitting.

Regardless of its position, the jungle style playmat will keep your baby busy for hours with its many animals suspended or placed on the ground that emit different sounds (up to 20 minutes in a row) or by changing the color of the lights placed around the carpet.

The carpet also contains noise zones that emit melodies and different animal or nature sounds, allowing the child to become familiar with this wild environment as soon as he presses it.

Parents' opinion on the jungle play mats

Many parents are looking to purchase playmats for their children to help them in their sensory and emotional development. After buying and using the jungle play mat, and according to the different opinions collected, we can say that the vast majority of parents are very satisfied with this kind of carpet.

Indeed, many of them attest that this carpet is very sensitive to the movements of babies, which allows to emit sounds and colors in an immediate wayThis easily attracts your baby's attention, prompting him to move his arms and legs to interact with the toys.
Several parents also attest that this type of carpet has not only allowed to entertain their little onesbut also acts on the development of their auditory and visual senses, or their motor skills thanks to the soft and silky touch of the fabric, but also thanks to the various mobile and static toys spread all over the carpet and the arches.

These toys can also be detached, causing the child to to grasp easily with his own hands.

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Which toys to give to a baby? Tue, 09 Aug 2022 00:57:08 +0000 Read more]]> Toys are part of a child's life from birth to age 12 on average.

In addition, you should know that each stage of a child's development has special games according to the spirit and the body of the latter. The right toys for a six-month-old baby, for example, are not the same as those for a two-year-old.

The toys of awakening play a very important role in the development of the child's senses and even in the development of his mind and intelligence.

What kind of toys to give a baby at birth? What is the importance of musical toys for children ? Answers in this article.

The awakening toy at birth

From birth to two months, the baby undergoes several changes, whether they are sensory, physical or other. It develops rapidly and the toys of awakening of birth are part of this step sensitive and crucial of development. As a result, these developmental toys must meet certain standards.

Here are the toys of awakening of birth which it is necessary to give to its baby from birth :

  • a toy made of soft material and respecting the safety standards so as not to hurt the child;

  • toys that stimulate baby's creativity;

  • a toy that helps the baby to make movements;

  • a toy of awakening allowing the child to discover its senses.

Be aware that babies should not be given too many toys at this stage and should only have them for several hours during the day.

Early learning toy at 3 months

At the age of three months, the baby begins to discover more and more and to make more movements. It therefore needs toys of awakening of three months that motivate him to be more active and move more. From the age of three months, babies should be given accessible and easy-to-handle toys.

For example, you can give your child fabric books, which are rich in color and pictures of different shapes. They help children improve their eyesight by distinguishing the different colors of the images.

The fabric book is also foldable and flexible, allowing the child to easily manipulate it and make movements.

There are also the pianos of awakening which are the best means which allows the baby to discover the senses and to work on hearing. These are compact and very cute pianos that meet safety standards. So you don't have to worry about your child's safety.

You can buy the awakening pianos in fabric from 25 eurosThey are available in stores as well as on various sales sites.

Early learning toy at 6 months

During the 6e months, the child undergoes physical changes, including the appearance of teeth. During this stage, the baby is also more social and interacts more with his family.

Teething cuddly toys are toys of awakening of six months ideal to give to your baby during this period. These toys are soft, but have rubber tips. They soothe the child's need to chew. during this painful teething phase.

Early learning toy at 9 months

During this period, the child can move easily and his or her senses are well developed, especially sight.

Among the toys of awakening of 9 months to be made available to the child are the musical books. These allow the child to to use all its sensesHe will be able to turn pages, learn shapes, numbers, words, etc.

Early learning toy to 12 months

At this stage, the child should learn to eat by yourself.

The toys of awakening of 12 months that you should give him first are the plastic plates and spoons!

This is also the period when he starts to play with Lego as well as with small plastic carsso be careful that he doesn't swallow them.

Early learning toy at 2 years old

At the age of two, your child will have discovered all its sensesThe only thing left to do is to let him empty his forces and release his energy as he wishes at home, while respecting the security measures of course.

The essential early learning toys from the age of two are the small plastic trucks and rolling horses that he can ride. You should also give him toys that allow him to use his mind, such as puzzles for example.

Musical awakening toy for baby

Music and songs for children accompagnent le bébé dès sa naissance. Many studies state that music is important in a child's development.

Indeed, music helps to calm the child and free his mind. It also encourages the baby to use their different sensesincluding hearing, movement, etc.

The musical toys you can give your child are multiple. According to his ageYou can give him music boxes, musical tables, etc.

Montessori learning toy

The Montessori learning toys are a wide range adapted to all age groups of children. These are toys that work the intelligence of the child and are usually accompanied by an explanatory book that shows you how to optimize the use of the toy.

Most of these toys are boxes with pictures, letters, puzzles and the like, in order to improve children's learning.

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What is the best musical mat for a baby? Sun, 07 Aug 2022 00:56:33 +0000 Read more]]> A playmat is the first accessory a baby can have to stimulate his development. To better develop the child's senses, you can choose a musical mat for your baby. It can contain sensory elements and musical toys to enrich your baby's discovery and growth. With soft music, your baby can awaken his senses and discover another world.

However, what is the best musical mat for a baby? What criteria to check before buying to buy a musical mat ?

Criteria to check before buying a musical mat

A mat for baby is an accessory that allows your little one to use their hands and feet safely and to discover its environment.

There are several types of baby mats, including :

As for the last choice, a non-aggressive and soft music can enhance your child's sensory abilities.

The size

This is the most important criteria. The baby goes through several growth phases. He should be provided with a musical mat adapted to his size. He must feel comfortable in his space. To answer all the needs, you can find today a giant play mat.

The presence of an arch

It is recommended to choose a musical mat with an arch to be able to arrange the toys. We can add to this criterion that a baby mat must be transportable.

The comfort

A musical mat should be comfortable. It must guarantee the amortization of in case of a fall and protection in case of contact with the cold ground.

Finalize your analysis with price verification. The latter varies mainly according to the criteria mentioned above.

What is the best musical mat for a baby?

The musical mat is an important purchase for all future parents. Music toys added to a playmat help develop your baby's senses and facilitate his awakening.

However, the list of quality musical play mats is large. Which musical mat to choose choose for your little one ?

Disney Baby Mr.Ray Ocean

It is a carpet of musical awakening which includes more than 20 min of melodies on the theme of the ocean for relaxation. Among these benefits:

  • ease of assembly;
  • sound setting options;
  • the mobile is attractive especially for a small one.

Fisher Price musical Jungle

It is the best musical mat on the market. It receives consistently positive reviews and helps stimulate your baby's senses with the following benefits:

  • it is easy to fold and assemble;
  • the music is sweet;
  • variety of toys and activities.

Fisher Price softness

A musical awakening mat is composed of more than 20 sensory discoveries. In addition, it can be used from birth. Among these assets :

  • soft music;
  • toys that can be easily unhooked and hooked;
  • such soft colors.

A play mat is an important piece of equipment for the development of your child. A better choice can be made by taking into consideration the criteria mentioned above.

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What is the advantage of choosing a foldable playmat? Thu, 04 Aug 2022 00:56:28 +0000 Read more]]> From the first few months of a baby's life, early learning toys allow him to him offer all the necessary means to better discover their surroundings and develop their senses.

That's why parents should opt for the following toys during this period specially designed for this purpose. It is about the toys of awakening, of which the various types of the carpet of awakening.

What is a play mat?

It is a carpet stored on the ground of a room or in the garden, serving as an exclusive space for the baby. The mat allows the child to perform various activities and games, with the aim of to better develop one's senses.

Safe, comfortable, colorful and patterned, and offering a variety of games, the playmat is the perfect place for baby to play. It is often put in lying on the back until the age of six months. After that, he will be able to do all his movements once he is fit.

There are several types and models of playmats, including :

  • mats designed according to the gender of the baby (girl's play mat or boy);
  • Early learning mats designed according to specific patterns (water, jungle ...);
  • mats of awakening according to the size (big or small format, mat of awakening XXL...);
  • of the mats of awakening according to the material of conception (foam, fabrics...);
  • evolving play mats,
  • musical mats for children,
  • foldable play mats, etc.

What are the characteristics of a foldable playmat?

In addition to offering all the necessary features of a baby's play matthe folding mat, available in various sizes, offers the easy to store and move.

In general, these mats are foldable to a size of 90/40/15 cm. With a design perfectly adapted to the folding, the folding mat is less cumbersome and allows parents to store it quite easily. When you need to place it, to allow your baby to benefit from it, simply unfold it, a real child's play!

The advantage of the foldable play mat is that it can be carried in the trunk of your car or even in his hands. This happens when you want your baby to enjoy a trip to the park, the beach or the garden.

What are the advantages of a folding playmat?

The foldable play mat offers a multitude of advantages, to know:

  • easy storage;
  • is space-saving when not in use;
  • the possibility to carry it with you in various places (beach, garden, park ...), etc.

More often, folding mats are either equipped with a handle or sold with a storage bag included. In both cases, it is convenient to take it everywhere.

What is the price of a foldable playmat?

Foldable play mats are designed under various models and types. The difference lies in the material used for its design, thickness, functionality, patterns and colors, it also plays on the price of the carpet.

As for prices, the cost of a folding playmat can range from 40 euros for those classified as basic to over 100 euros for those with complete high-end features.

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At what age should a baby be introduced to the playmat? Tue, 02 Aug 2022 00:56:24 +0000 Read more]]> The soft and colorful playmat is the perfect companion for your baby. On it, he can play and roll around. It's also the perfect place to have fun and spend time with your child. That said, at what age should you buy a awakening mat for his baby ? Answer in this article!

At what age should I start using a playmat for my baby?

You don't have to wait, it is possible to install your baby on a mat from its first months. Nevertheless, it should not be left on for long periods of time, but gradually.

As soon as the baby touches the mat for the first time, his senses will be activated. Indeed, he will show signs of curiosity and touch the carpet with his fingers and if he falls asleep on it, it is a sign that he finds it comfortable.

Using a playmat at a young age allows the baby to play freely and learn to be autonomous. From the sixth monthA play mat is highly recommended for children. Indeed, it is the age at which the latter becomes aware of his environment, this carpet will help him in his first discoveries, and will allow him to satisfy the curiosity which he shows towards the world which surrounds him.

The carpet will be able to accompany your child during all his life of toddler, it will be a play area and reading. You can choose to leave it in a corner in his room or put it away, the child will go and get it as soon as he wants.

Criteria for choosing a play mat

The use of a baby's play mat present many advantages for the development of the latter. Indeed, the carpet helps :

  • To the child's cognitive development;
  • To the development of motor skills;
  • To relaxation and fun.

When buying a baby's play mat, there are certain criteria you should consider.


This is a priority when choosing a playmat. You must check that the mat meets French safety standardsTo do this, check the "NF Label" on the product.

The comfort

A play mat must be comfortableThe baby will spend long periods of time in it, so it must be thick to protect the baby in case of a fall.

The material of the carpet

The playmat can be made of fabric, foam or plastic. Although the last two materials are easier to clean with a sponge, it is recommended to choose a fabric play mat. The latter is not only soft for the child, but also simple to maintain. If you wish to avoid any risk of allergy, the mat 100 % cotton are the best choice.

Colors and games

Opt for bright and warm colors for the playmat, as these stimulate baby's vision. Don't forget to choose a carpet with various activitiesas a musical awakening matto develop the different senses of the child.

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How to choose VTech baby toys? Sat, 30 Jul 2022 00:56:15 +0000 Read more]]> VTech is the leader in the field of educational and electronic toys, using the latest technology to provide fun and innovative toys for all parents who care about their children.

For more than 40 years, the company has been designing, in association with professionals specialized in children's play, toys and games that cleverly combine learning and funbased on the maxim "learning while having fun".

If you want to know more about this famous brand, we suggest you read on.

VTech baby toys: the best companions for your little ones

If you are looking for age-appropriate toys for your baby that guarantee fun and learning at the same time, VTech, the dreaded competitor of the Fisher-Price toysalways keeps its word.

With toys for babies and toddlers, you'll be sure to find one that will stimulate theimagination of your toddler with bright colors, exciting sounds and modes of operation. They are easy to handle toys for safe play.

At VTech, you can find toys for all age groups. For children babies aged 0 to 12 monthsYou have a large choice of toys for your child. The best are : Picoton my lumi hedgehog, Rattle mirror lumi lion, Hula-Hoop, P'tit lion with suction cup, Croc'hippo pink and several other original toys.

VTech toy prices vary from 9 to 82 euros approximately depending on the model you wish to purchase. Smart plush toys are usually the most expensive, as opposed to small, basic toys and baby characters that are in the lower price range.

VTech toy selection criteria

If you wish to purchase toys for babies of the brand VTech, you should pay attention to the points raised below.

Main categories of VTech toys

There are several types of toys, we quote:

  • Interactive rattles and mini musical instruments. They are designed to be safe for babies;

  • Construction sets: are presented as a series of assorted components, as a station equipped with trains ;

  • Educational toys: like the Sit-to-Stand learning walker focused on pedagogy ;

  • Smart toys: like tablets and cameras.

Material specifications

VTech toys are sturdy and solidly built. They are made from a high quality plastic and compact in order to resist shocks and handling by children.

The colors

Most VTech toys are manufactured in basic colors, which catches the eye of toddlers. The buttons and letters in these games often have different colors to help babies distinguish them from the rest of the game and develop their visual skills.

Now you know more about VTech toys.

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What is the best Fisher-Price toy? Wed, 27 Jul 2022 00:56:01 +0000 Read more]]> With educational toys, children can have good motor skills and learn to recognize numbers, shapes, colors and letters.

In the field of early learning toys, the Fisher-Price brand has many years of experience: it offers a wide range of products, including games that can be used from the first months of the baby, but also products intended to accompany him during his childhood.

Whether it is on carpets or Fisher-Price educational boardsThere are many possibilities for stimulation. To learn more, follow us!

Fisher-Price: toys for every age group

The toy selection is an important part of your baby's well-being. Toys are not only to please your little one, but also to allow him to progress and build up physically, emotionally and intellectually.

With the Fisher-Price manufacturer's instructions for each toy, you'll have an idea of what learning activities are possible right away.

The brand of baby toys Fisher-Price offers a range of toys for children up to 3 years old.

The company was founded by Herman Fisher, his wife Margaret, Irving Price and Helen Schelle in the 1930s to develop and manufacture a line of fun, sturdy and clever toys.

Fisher-Price was the first company to set up a play lab, allowing toys to be tested. Its direct competitor is the VTech toys.

Fisher-Price toys will allow you to fulfill all your desiress of children. If you want to buy classic games, the modern and timeless look of the shooting machine or the rainbow pyramid will do the trick.

The design of Fisher-Price toys presents a reassuring aspectusually inspired by animals.

The first Fisher-Price toy: the famous pull phone

Intended for teaching oral communication The Fisher-Price telephone, with its rotary dial, has been around for generations. Today, it remains just as adorable with its revolving eyes, laughing mouth and funny nose. This pull-along toy is ideal for track your baby's progress.

This magic phone offers several game options:

  • Babies can sit and enjoy the phone or drag it around;

  • The Chatter model has funny bells and eyes that move in all directions;

  • The keyboard presents numbers from 0 to 9 with multiple colors;

  • It encourages small role playing when babies and toddlers pretend to make a call.

In 2021, the version of the Fisher-Price pull-out phone that brought many generations back to their childhood is still very much in vogue. Indeed, with just a few months to go before Christmas, the famous American company is planning the market launch ofa second generation of this toy to mark his 60 years of career.

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Why buy a Djeco birth toy? Fri, 22 Jul 2022 00:55:44 +0000 Read more]]> The toy is the best accessory for to boost a child's awakeningno matter how old he is. Therefore, finding the ideal toy can be an excellent way to promote his development. As for the choice of the brand, Djeco toys are among the best toys offered on the market.

Djeco birth toys allow your baby to grow up having fun. In addition to the birth toys, the brand Djeco offers toys adapted to all ages to accompany the little ones in their first steps towards life.

Finding the perfect toy for your baby

The list of baby toy brands is long. Finding a toy adapted to his baby is therefore a bit difficult, but by taking into consideration some factors and criteria, it is quite possible.

Whether it is a question ofA Janod toy or a Chicco toy, the age is the first parameter to check. For example, for a baby between 3 and 6 months oldyou can choose :

  • The mats of awakening;
  • Fabric animals;
  • Rattles;
  • Music boxes;
  • Floating toys;
  • Teething toys.

When your child is older than 6 months, you can choose toys that allow him to pull them and take them completely in hand. In this case, you can buy toys such as: balloons, wooden blocks, and music boxes.

However, care must be taken with the safety and sensitivity of your baby. Toys must be protected from germs and dirt, so regular maintenance is necessary. You can either disinfect them with products designed for this purpose, or immerse them in boiling water for a few minutes (if their material is heat resistant).

Why buy a Djeco birth toy?

Djeco is a famous French brand that offers fun toys and products for baby that promote awakening and development. They are ranked among the best toys available on the French market.

A Djeco birth toy is obviously an accessory:

  • Suitable for small vote;
  • Original;
  • Excellent quality.

The Djeco brand offers wooden birth toys. These can stimulate your little one's emotional and physical abilities. In addition, wood is an ecological and environmentally friendly material.

In addition, whatever the type, Djeco birth toys are available in many shapes and colors to satisfy the needs of parents and children.

The major advantage of Djeco toys is that they are made of noble materials. This ensures their durability and robustness.

They don't break easily even when bumped, facilitate the daily life of parents and improve the baby's motor skills.

If you want your baby to grow and develop while having fun, don't hesitate to offer him a Djeco birth toy, he will only be satisfied!

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Why choose Chicco toys? Tue, 19 Jul 2022 00:55:35 +0000 Read more]]> Babies can grow, learn and improve their skills through play. For this, it is advisable to choose toys adapted to his child. The brands of baby toys are constantly proposing new products to allow children to have more fun.

Since its creation, the Chicco brand offers toys and baby products to facilitate the daily life of parents and bring comfort to children. Chicco's toys are innovative solutions that meet the needs of both babies and parents. This is the subject of this article!

The importance of toys for a baby

A baby can make significant progress from the age of six months. At this age, he can :

  • Putting toys to his mouth;
  • Start touching your toys;
  • Look at them and discover them.

In addition, toys can help the child to press, open, close, hear the sounds of games, etc. To strengthen motor skills, you should choose toys adapted to his child. The choice can be difficult with the large number of baby toy brands available. In this case, it is advisable to choose them according to the age of your baby.

This increases the desire to try new things.

Whatever the the brand you choose, You should choose toys that offer a wide range of activities and rich stimuli. This is important, especially during the growth and development phase. During this time, activities help children understand the different features of a toy and improve their movement coordination. Trying a toy over and over again can help a child to boosting curiosity and its autonomy.

Why choose Chicco toys for your child?

Whether it is aboutan Oxybul toy or another brand, ensuring the comfort and safety of the baby is the most important point. The brand Chicco is among the best brands with regard to this aspect. Chicco creates more and more toys and products that are beneficial to both babies and parents.

Chicco toys are available in many shapes and colors to meet all the needs of a baby, whatever his age.

Chicco toys are known for their guarantee of comfort and safety. In addition, Chicco has thought about the environment by offering toys and accessories made of recycled plastic and bioplastic. They are durable, ecological and safe products, so they do not cause any risk of allergic reaction from your child.

Chicco toys are manufactured to meet the needs of customers while ensuring design, comfort, safety and practicality.

The items offered not only boost the child's growth, but also make the parents' daily life easier.

Now you know more about Chicco toys.

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