Which early learning toy should I choose for my 9 month old baby?

Written by Adelyne

A baby is sensitive to the senses from birth. However, manipulation can also help him to better discover and learn. In this case, you can offer your child a toy to accompany his discoveries and explorations.

For a 9 month old babyA play toy can provide him with an emotional level and a harmonious growth. However, it is necessary to offer him toys of awakening adapted and varied at the same time. Early learning toys at 9 months are real activities to meet a baby's need for movement and exploration.

The toys of awakening according to age

The toys of awakening are used to correlate the awakening capacities of a child. Nevertheless, it will be necessary to choose one which is adapted at the age of the latter. This allows us to accompany his discoveries and to meet his needs for exploration.

Awakening toy adapted for a newborn

A baby can be very much in demand from birth. You can opt for words and caresses as toys of awakening of birth.

Soft music from a game or music box will be appreciated by a newborn.

Early learning toy suitable for a 6 month old baby

It is advisable to secure the environment of your six-month-old baby with a pillow when he learns to sit.

For this, it is necessary to propose a six-month-old learning toy in several positions, sitting and lying down.

Early learning toy suitable for a baby between the ages of 6 months and 1 year

For a child whose age is between 6 months and 1 yearyou can offer him:

  • teething rings;
  • small balls;
  • foam books.

In summary, whatever the age of your baby, a learning toy allows to encourage a child's movements and boost its discovery.

What are the toys to choose for your 9 month old baby?

Babies develop needs at each phase of growth. The 9 months awakening games are therefore useful to meet the needs of awakening and stimulation of a child of this age.

Teething toy with balls

It is a 9 months awakening toy that allows a baby to have fun while relieving his gums.

This early learning toy is suitable for a child of 9 months thanks to its ease of use, design and shape.

Stacking tower toy

9-month-old babies can have fun with a set of stacking towers. It allows a 9 month old baby to relax in complete safety and serenity.

Shaped toy

The different shapes are a game of awakening adapted to the children from the age of six months. It is a toy that can entertain children from nine months and up.

Toy guitar lawyer

Soft music allows to awaken several sensations in a 9 month old baby. So, an avocado guitar is a perfect toy to keep them entertained.

The 9 month old toys are available in many shapes and colors to meet the needs of discovery needs of each child.

What is the importance of early learning play at 9 months of age?

The baby may experience a true simulation of the senses from birth. A game of awakening will then contribute considerably to the senses, to the discovery of textures, colors and the environment of a 9 month old baby.

Whether fine or gross motor skills, they develop and evolve through early learning games. The coordination of gestures and the precision are activities that can be stimulated through actions, such as embedding, touching, grabbing, etc.

It is thanks to the games of awakening that a child can carry out these actions. It allows him to use his body and to develop his sense of balance.

Finally, early learning games are very beneficial, especially for a baby's growth and intellectual development. Seeing the blocks, falling, stacking them, and starting over to understand the results, these simple activities allow the child to develop logic and imagination using his gestures.

Les avantages des jouets Montessori adaptés aux bébés d’un an

Alors que votre enfant grandit et franchit le cap des neuf mois, vous remarquez peut-être une soif accrue d’interactions et de défis. Dans ce contexte, les jouets Montessori adaptés aux bébés d’un an représentent une excellente transition. Ces jouets sont spécialement conçus pour encourager l’autonomie et le développement des compétences fines, en harmonie avec la pédagogie Montessori qui favorise l’apprentissage par l’expérience et l’exploration personnelles. En optant pour des jouets qui engagent activement votre enfant dans des tâches pratiques et des découvertes sensorielles, vous soutenez son développement naturel de manière ludique et éducative.

Stimuler la curiosité et l’autonomie chez le jeune enfant

Les jouets Montessori ne se contentent pas d’amuser, ils éduquent. Pensés pour être à la fois simples et stimulants, ils aident les enfants à comprendre et à maîtriser leur environnement. Par exemple, des puzzles simples, des jouets d’empilage et des matériaux texturés incitent les enfants à apprendre par la pratique, renforçant ainsi leur capacité à résoudre des problèmes et à penser de manière indépendante. À mesure que votre enfant se dirige vers son premier anniversaire, ces jouets deviennent des outils précieux pour son éveil intellectuel et sensoriel. Ils lui permettent de découvrir joyeusement le monde à son propre rythme.

Favoriser le développement coordonné par le jeu

À l’approche de sa première année, le développement moteur et cognitif d’un enfant s’accélère. Les jeux Montessori sont parfaitement adaptés pour l’accompagner cette phase cruciale. En offrant des jouets qui exigent manipulation, coordination et réflexion, tels que les blocs de construction modulaires ou les jouets à enficher, vous facilitez le développement de compétences essentielles. Il s’agit de la coordination œil-main et de la reconnaissance des formes et des couleurs. Ces jouets encouragent non seulement l’éveil sensoriel, mais aussi la créativité et l’initiative. Ils préparent ainsi les enfants à des apprentissages futurs et à une exploration autonome de leur environnement.

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